Removing salmon industry from Macquarie Harbour


The Roadmap for the recovery of the Maugean skate in Macquarie Harbour, released today, should mark a turning point for the survival of a relic of the era of dinosaurs. While action should have been taken before this summer's marine heatwave, as recommended by a Federal scientific advisory body, the roadmap should lead to the removal of the salmon industry from the waterway.

NOFF welcomes action 4.4 in the plan but says it should be implemented immediately rather than be delayed until the middle of the year:

"Investigate, and where feasible, implement methods for reducing salmon aquaculture oxygen demand on Macquarie Harbour including by decreasing salmon biomass in Macquarie Harbour through mechanisms such as lifecycle-based gradual destocking, fallowing of pens, growing out on land, movement of stock to other locations. Feasibility assessment as per Action 4.1 and informed by Action 4.2."

If implemented as recommended, the roadmap will mark a victory for ordinary Tasmanians and our marine heritage in the face of foreign-owned industrial salmon companies that have no vested interest in the state other than to make profits and move those profits off-shore.

NOFF remains concerned that if urgent action is not taken to restore the health of this damaged and iconic West Coast waterway, not only will the Maugean skate become the "Thylacine of the sea", but the state's reputation for its extraordinary biodiversity will be once more undermined.

  • More information: Peter George: 0426 150 369
  • Statement attributable to Peter George, president, NOFF.