Massive salmon deaths occurring statewide

Salmon farms are experiencing massive mortalities across the
state this summer, according to Burnie News Media outlet 7SDFM. "It is astonishing that all three companies can be faced with
the natural consequences of the harmful industrialisation of Tasmanian
waterways and yet claim business as usual" said NOFF Campaigner Jess Coughlan.
Worldwide, evidence shows increased mortalities right across the industry, and Tasmania is no exception (BBC report).
"Continuing to expand an industry when the natural elements are against it is not sustainable management, it is profiteering at its worst - where the expense is animal welfare and environmental degradation" continued Ms Coughlan. "When animals are dying in massive numbers before harvest, consumers have every right to ask if they are consuming sick fish"
"Mass deaths in any livestock operation are a cause for concern, and the public should have the right to access exactly how many fish are dying in our public waterways, and exactly what is causing it. This would not be tolerated in cattle, sheep or pig farming without a serious inquiry. This should not be considered business as usual. We are well beyond that point."
All comments attributed to Jessica Coughlan, Campaigner Neighbours of Fish Farming., 0431684741