NOFF calls for salmon regulations to be overturned

NOFF calls for salmon regulations to be overturned, cites lack of transparency and accountability. Tasmanian coastal communities back parliamentary moves by independent MLC Meg Webb to overturn thoroughly inadequate industrial salmon farming regulations.
NOFF has written to all members of the Legislative Assembly supporting a motion by Ms Webb (Tuesday, August 13) to disallow the Environment Standards for Tasmanian Marine Finfish Farming, published in October 2023.
The standards signally fail to adequately protect public waterways, marine life and coastal communities from the ravages of industrial salmon production, lack transparency and accountability and provide far too much discretion to the EPA, a body subjected to consistent political and industry pressure.
"The government bends over backwards to protect the foreign-owned salmon companies from scrutiny and regulatory control," says Peter George, NOFF president. "Meg Webb stands up for Tasmanians and Tasmania's marine heritage and we thank her."
NOFF urges MLCs to support the motion, writing:
"When you enter the debate tomorrow, know that you have the support of ordinary Tasmanians, 72% of whom are now showing real concern that salmon farming is a problem in Tasmania's inshore waterways [while] three in four Tasmanians are concerned with the health of our coastal environment and seven in ten back a reduction in inshore salmon farming."
More information:
- Peter George: 0426 150 369
- Jess Coughlan (campaigner): 0431 684 741