Shocking mortality rates in Macquarie Harbour salmon pens

1,149,795 kilos (1,149 tonnes) of farmed salmon died last summer in Macquarie Harbour feedlots, according to figures released by the Tasmanian Department of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE). Neighbours of Fish Farming (NOFF) called on the companies and the government to disclose the causes of the mortalities, whether through overstocking, disease or other reasons.
The mortality figures were released by the department following a Right To Information (RTI) inquiry by NOFF - they were published on the website then removed soon afterwards.
"These figures represent over 10% of the reported stocking density of Macquarie Harbour over just seven months and devastate the salmon industry's claims of high standards of animal welfare," says Peter George, President of NOFF.
"As these mortalities have occurred in Macquarie Harbour, a public waterway, we need an explanation from the industry about what is happening there. It's likely a result of overstocking and disease - a common issue in the salmon industry - but the actual causes need to be publicly disclosed. Last summer, there was no unusual warming of waters in Macquarie Harbour, so natural causes are unlikely to be involved."
According to other RTI disclosures, Huon Aquaculture, Tassal and Petuna reported some 66 elevated mortality rates around the state's coast across last summer. Tonnage and numbers were sought by NOFF but release of this information is being opposed by the industry.
Inside industry reports high mortality rates over summer for Huon and Tassal in the south east, including Storm Bay, the Huon River and the Channel but could not be confirmed by NOFF. Tassal suffered a major mortality event in Okehampton Bay.
NOFF called for full disclosure of mortality numbers and weights Tasmania-wide.
"Yet again the government has covered up for the industry by failing to disclose the mortalities for months and then only after an RTI inquiry. It's typical of the lack of transparency from industry and from the government itself.
"These latest figures support reports NOFF has received from industry sources of high mortality rates all around Tasmania and reflect global concerns about the extraordinary and increasing number of deaths in salmon feedlots as far apart as Norway, Scotland and Chile."
- More information: Peter George 0426 150 369