Tasmanians let national conference delegates know farmed salmon has had its day in Tasmania

whilst national and international delegates were attending the national Seafood
Directions conference in Hobart, Tasmanian communities demonstrated
their opposition to the salmon industry's plans to expand into Bass

Supported by a crowd of Neighbours of Fish Farming members and other NGO's, NOFF campaigner Jess Coughlan stated:
"The Industry in Tasmania has lost its social license in the areas where its foreign owners operate in the south-east of the state. The communities of the northern coastline and the Furneaux and Hunter Island Groups DO NOT want this industry opening up in their region. Industrial salmon farming is not welcome in Bass Strait. It is important that the national and international delegates attending here this week are aware of that."
"The science is clear when it comes to Bass strait. It can take 180 days for that bathtub of water to flush, and the Federal Government should be classifying the research trials as a "controlled action". The dire mistakes made in Macquarie Harbour must not be repeated in the north of the state, let alone in Commonwealth waters."
"An industry that is responsible for the destruction of marine life and waterways elsewhere in the state should not be allowed to expand into other pristine regions. The foreign-owned companies driving this expansion do not have a stake in the future of our natural marine heritage."
- All comments attributed to Jess Coughlan noff7112@gmail.com