Tasmanian cross-bench MPs and Parties call for full, independent, transparent inquiry into the state’s EPA

In a first for the new Tasmanian Parliament, cross-bench MPs and Parties have joined forces in calling for a full, independent and transparent inquiry into the state's EPA. Community group, NOFF, sought the MPs' support amidst mounting concerns about the EPA's role in monitoring and regulating the state's natural heritage on land and in water.
The MPs represent the majority of independents and cross-bench parties in the parliament.
NOFF president, Peter George, says the unfolding tragedy in Macquarie Harbour where salmon industry operations are damaging the waterway and threatening the Maugean skate is just one example of why the EPA is not fit for purpose."We thank the MPs from the bottom of our hearts for responding and taking this first opportunity to exercise their authority in the aftermath of an election in which issues of transparency and integrity played the major role. Independents and cross-bench parties are demonstrating that they will collaborate and to exert their authority as a genuine and effective opposition in the new Parliament," Peter George says.
"Communities across the state now have powerful, united voices that are brave, independent and effective and that cannot be ignored by Liberal or by Labor. It's immensely encouraging their first collaboration is in ensuring the state's natural heritage is properly protected and nurtured - a turning point for Tasmania."
"NOFF is aware of deep concerns about the EPA's failures across the state. With the much-delayed State of the Environment report due soon and with salmon industry plans to expand into north west waters of the state and further north into Storm Bay, we are going to need a better, stronger, more open and more independent EPA than exists now."
NOFF believes only an eminent out-of-state authority could effectively run an inquiry without political interference. Such a person might be found within the ranks of the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists - an independent group of scientists and professionals, working to secure the long-term health of Australia's land, water and biodiversity.
An extensive report, Labor's First Extinction by author and journalist, Richard Flanagan, excoriates the EPA's complicity in allowing the salmon industry to continue - and increase - production in Macquarie Harbour despite clear evidence of its destructive impact. (Mr Flanagan's journalism is routinely published globally in the New York Times, Le Monde, La Republica & The Times)
- All quotes attributable and more information: Peter George, 0426 150 369 president@noff.au
MPs that have responded to the call for an independent inquiry into the EPA:
MLAs (Alphabetical)
- Tabatha Badger
- Vica Bayley
- Miriam Beswick
- Helen Burnet
- Craig Garland
- Andrew Jenner
- Kristie Johnston
- Rebecca Pentland
- Cecily Rosol
- Rosalie Woodruff
MLCs (Alphabetical)
- Mike Gaffney
- Cassy O'Connor
- Meg Webb